Jhin Build

Best Jhin Build Guide for League of Legends | Optimal Item & Runes

I. Introduction

Jhin, also known as The Virtuoso, is a unique marksman in League of Legends. He’s different from other champions because of his four-shot attack mechanic, in which every fourth shot is a critical hit and deals a ton of damage. With the right build, Jhin can deal massive damage and control the flow of a game.

This guide is here to help you get the most out of Jhin. We’ll walk through his best builds, how to adapt them depending on the situation, and how to choose items that work with his play style. Whether you’re new to Jhin or just looking to optimize your gameplay, this article will give you the tools to succeed.

Let’s look at Jhin’s best builds and how to carry games with him.

II. Understanding Jhin’s Role and Playstyle

The Virtuoso Marksman

Jhin plays differently from most other marksmen in League of Legends. His passive ability, Whisper, means that every fourth shot is always a critical hit and deals extra damage based on how much health the enemy has lost. This makes Jhin strong when dealing short bursts of damage, especially with his fourth shot.

However, Jhin also has some drawbacks. He doesn’t have any abilities to escape fights easily, and his attack speed is slower than most other marksmen. This means you’ll need to be careful with where you stand in fights and use your abilities wisely.

The key to playing Jhin is all about positioning. You want to stay in a safe spot while dishing out as much damage as possible. That’s why having the right build is so important—it helps you maximize his strengths while making up for his weaknesses.

III. Core Jhin Build: Standard Build Path

Essential Items for Jhin

For Jhin, there are a few core items that you’ll want to build in almost every game. These items will help boost your damage and ensure you can perform well in team fights.

1. Galeforce

This item is perfect for Jhin because it gives you a dash that lets you reposition quickly in fights. If you’re caught in a bad spot or need to chase down a low-health enemy, Galeforce gives you the mobility you require. The extra burst damage from its active ability also fits perfectly with Jhin’s playstyle.

2. The Collector

The Collector is all about finishing off low-health enemies. It gives you lethality (which boosts your damage), critical strike chance, and a passive that executes enemies below 5% health. This works well with Jhin’s kit, especially when you’re trying to secure kills.

Jhin Build

3. Infinity Edge

For Jhin, Infinity Edge is a must-have. Once you have a 60% critical strike chance, your crit damage increases, making your fourth shot even more deadly. With this item, Jhin becomes a real late-game threat.

These items work together to give Jhin the mobility, burst damage, and critical power he needs to dominate the game. Make sure to prioritize these items to maximize your damage.

Early game itemization

In the early game, you want to start with the right items to help you survive the landing phase and farm efficiently.

Starting Items: Begin with Doran’s Blade and a health potion. Doran’s Blade gives you extra health and attack damage, which helps you farm better and stay in the lane longer.

First Recall Items: 

After your first recall, aim to pick up Serrated Dirk and Berserker’s Greaves. Serrated dirt gives you longevity, which is great for increasing your damage early on. Berserker’s Greaves give you attack speed, which smooths out Jhin’s auto-attacks.

IV. Situational Jhin Build: Adaptations for Different Scenarios

Adjusting to Enemy Team Composition

Jhin’s build can change depending on who you’re up against. If the enemy team has a lot of tanks or squishy champions, you’ll want to adjust your items to suit the situation.

Lethality Build (against squishy enemies): 

Duskblade of Draktharr: 

If you’re against a team of squishy champions, this item is great. It gives you lethality and cooldown reduction, and it also makes you invisible after a kill, which can help you escape or set up for more kills.

Anti-Tank Build (against tanks): 

Lord Dominik’s Regards: 

This is a key item when you’re up against tanky champions. It provides armor penetration, which helps you deal more damage to enemies with a lot of armor.

Defensive Items (when you’re being focused): 

Guardian Angel: 

If you’re dying a lot in team fights, Guardian Angel can save you by giving you a second chance. After dying, you can resurrect and reposition yourself for safety.


If you need more sustainment and survivability, Bloodthirster provides life and a shield, which helps you stay alive in longer fights.

Runes and Summoner Spells Synergies

Key Runes: 

Fleet Footwork: 

This rune helps you stay healthy in the lane by giving you healing and movement speed when you attack. It’s excellent for surviving poke-heavy matchups.

Dark Harvest: 

If you’re looking to snowball, Dark Harvest gives you extra damage when enemies are low on health, which works well with Jhin’s playstyle.

Arcane Comet: 

For a poke-heavy playstyle, Arcane Comet works well with Jhin’s Deadly Flourish (W) and Captive Audience (E) abilities, giving you extra damage from a distance.

Summoner Spells: 


You’ll always want to use Flash for positioning and escaping dangerous situations.

Heal or Exhaust: 

Heal is great for staying alive, while exhaust is useful if you’re facing a champion that can burst you down quickly.

V. Jhin Build for Late Game and team fights

Optimal Item Choices for Late Game Power

As the game goes on, you might need to adjust your build based on what’s happening. Here are some items that can be useful in the late game:

Mortal Reminder: 

If the enemy team has a lot of healing champions, this item will apply Grievous Wounds, which reduces their healing and makes them easier to kill.

Maw of Malmortius: 

If you’re dealing with a lot of magic damage, Maw gives you a shield and magic resistance, making it harder for enemy mages to burst you down.

Positioning and Playstyle in Team Fights

In team fights, Jhin’s role is to stay in the backline and deal damage from a safe distance. Use Deadly Flourish (W) to catch enemies out of position, and follow up with your basic attacks or Curtain Call (R) to finish off low-health enemies.

Always keep an eye on your positioning, and use Galeforce if you need to dodge skill shots or escape from dangerous situations. The key to a team fighting with Jhin is knowing when to strike and when to fall back.

VI. Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Jhin’s Build

Using Abilities Effectively with the Build

W-E-Q Auto Attack Combos: 

A good way to poke down enemies is by landing Deadly Flourish (W), dropping Captive Audience (E), and then following up with an auto attack. This can chop down squishy targets before a full-on battle.

Curtain Call (R): 

Use your ultimate to finish off low-health enemies or start a fight from a distance. Curtain Call has a long-range, making it ideal for helping your team pick targets.

Build synergy with team composition

Jhin works very well with champions who can engage or peel him. Supports like Leona or Thresh can lock down enemies, giving Jhin the chance to burst them down. It’s also important to have a team that can protect Jhin in fights since he doesn’t have many escape tools.

VII. Conclusion

For the best Jhin results, build the right items. His core builds of Galeforce, The Collector, and Infinity Edge will set you up for success in most games. You can adjust situational items, such as Lord Dominik’s Regards for Tanks or Guardian Angel for extra survivability, depending on the enemy team.

Jhin’s strength lies in his burst damage and precision, so make sure to focus on positioning and timing your abilities well. With the right build, Jhin can be a game-changer and carry your team to victory.

By Admin

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